Friday, July 18, 2014

Legendary Moments

This last week I was fortunate to spend time at Guthrie Grove Reunion with many Lamoni friends and teachers. In my many travels this summer, I've witnessed many baptisms of people I don't really know well, but I was fortunate to witness a special day for my good friend Dylan Pitt! This awesome dude was ordained to the office of Deacon last Sunday.

Appreciative of your ministry, Dylanito!
I also witnessed a GG first, a female winner of "wall ball" in the upper division: Reagan Swanson. Get. It. She also won a GU t-shirt. Odin Rivera took first in the junior division. Paul Davis acted as sportscaster for this monumental event. More epic events to come next week at Spec!
Jaden Rivera with an epic catch. Odin and Mason, "The Red Dot" fielding


  1. Duuuuuuuude! I haven't been to Guthrie Grove since I was probably six years old. I've always wanted to go back and see what it looks like now compared to my childhood memories. I remember that place being soooo big, but I think it was because I was soooo small. Take a million pictures and send them to me. PUHlease!

  2. DUDE. I already left....but I will steal my other friends pictures and gladly send them to you! :)
