Friday, June 20, 2014

Rep Fuel

Jesus turned water into wine. Starbucks turned water into coffee. Both are miracles.
Blessings abound

Thursday, June 19, 2014

9 Lessons I learned from Junior Camp

Last Sunday I traveled to Camp Ozark in Neosho, Missouri for a Junior Camp. It's never to early to start talking about college! It was a fun and enlightening experience. Here are the tidbits I took away from camp:

1) Name tag lanyards are incredibly versatile. Not only to they serve their purpose of displaying your name, they also double as great fishing poles for catching crawdads.

Deadliest Catch-Camp Ozark Edition

2) They also can be made into bow and arrows, if you are especially creative.

3) Copious amounts of coffee are needed to properly energize Junior Camp staff. But make sure you drink from the right pot. Five cups of decaf does nothing.

4) Counselors can also act as human flotation devices for small children in the pool.

5) "Rest time" lasts about 15 minutes in campers eyes.

6) Homemade Ice Cream can be made in plastic baggies. Who knew?

7) Never be too far from a bed after Junior Camp. Triple the amount of sleep you've had the last few days and that's what you will need to survive.

8) Camp traditions are fun everywhere-example A) Coin lines from the tabernacle to the lodge to raise money for camp B) Duck Races with plastic ducks

9) Kids are cute and love the little fold up maps from Graceland almost as much as GU Pens.

Nap time is calling. My next camp starts Sunday. Until next time!
Room 5! Their counselor in need of serious rest

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

We Are Only Visitors

My adventures began this week at Woodland Hills Reunion in Saint Clair, Missouri. For three weeks I anxiously awaited to begin my summer as a Graceland Summer Rep. I was determined to recruit ALL the students. That's my job. Talk about Graceland. Pretty simple, seeing as I've been surrounded by GU paraphernalia, stories, and culture my entire life. 

Siri took me to a field, rather than this sign. 

However, my attitude quickly changed the moment I stepped out of my Graceland vehicle at Woodland Hills Reunion when I realized: WHO ARE ALL OF THESE PEOPLE??

It's easy to talk about Graceland when you sort of know people, but when you know absolutely no one....that's a little more difficult.

Priority number one quickly shifted to building relationships (Hope that's okay, Greg!).
And that-that was easy. It's amazing that almost anywhere can become like home when you are part of the Community of Christ Church.

I was blessed to spend the week with about fifty COC members spanning from Columbia to Saint Louis and feel especially fortunate to have spent time with probably some of the most rockin' Junior High/Senior High groups I've ever met (whom I miss very much!!).
Some of my girls. We were pros at 3 letter word Scrabble games

I felt right at home leading campfires (my favorite was with Tina!) and co-teaching Senior High class with Allen. One of the literal and figurative high points was hiking to "Inspiration Point" with the Junior High (and later on my own...which I didn't know was not allowed until later...whoops).

We had a great night after Campfire Sunday playing GU games! A Special Shoutout to the Senior and Junior High for participating and friends Allen Williston, John Williams, and Pam Cress!
Tina calls this a "white girl selfie"-they all wore their GU shirts! I almost cried

I always felt included participating in worship, classes, campfire, and fellowship. Every night Ralph would tell "Little Eagle" stories with lessons from the "Great Spirit". The last night he reminded us all of something that I will carry with me the rest of my summer-We are only visitors. At campgrounds. On this earth. We are only visitors-so let's make the best of our time here! I (tearfully) left Woodland Hills with new friends and great memories. Thanks for a great reunion guys!